Tagged with 'supplemental watering'

The Fascination of Deer Antler Growth: A Hunter's Guide to Summer Insights

camera on deer

Hunters have been captivated by the regal spectacle of deer antlers for decades. Whether it's the thrill of spotting a trophy rack while out hunting, the joy of stumbling upon a shed antler during winter hikes, or the meticulous observation of antler growth through game cameras during the summer months, the allure of these magnificent appendages seems to know no bounds. Yet, beyond mere fascination, the summer display of antler growth holds invaluable insights for hunters, providing a window into the upcoming fall hunting season.

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Soil Testing for Success

soil testing

Last we talked with hunting land management expert, Jason Say, he spelled out an easy way to frost seed your plot. Besides frost seeding, another topic that Say is extremely versed in – that often goes overlooked by hunters – is soil testing.

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