Tagged with 'scent free'

Complete Odor Management from the Get-Go

ScentLok 4X Laundry Detergent

ScentLok has been unlocking the secrets of successful scent control for over a quarter century.

In roundabout numbers, 11 million hunters pursue 30 million whitetail deer in North America annually. That’s three highly efficient noses in the air for every trio of us stinking up the woods. Consider, too, researchers say a whitetail deer’s sense of smell is 500 to 1,000 times more acute than a human, and scientists support that by noting whitetails have thousands of nasal receptors that can sort up to six smells at once…and it makes you want to climb back in the rack.

Somehow, however, about 40% of us are successful each year. Odds are those guys and gals take careful consideration to mitigate human scent. And a share of those folks trust ScentLok.

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Practice Scent Control When Using Scents

scent control, hunting, whitetail hunting, scent lures, scent control tips, hunting tips, scent elimination

The proof that scents and lures work to bring in mature bucks has always been debated among believers and non-believers. Using scents and lures to attract deer and using a scent elimination system to destroy odors can be confusing and, if not done correctly, can seem as if they are pointless. However, if one provides the scent that deer want to smell and destroys the odors that can spook them, they will see that both do, in fact, work.

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